For Sanguinus

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Updated work on my Vanguard Vets

Still a work in progress I will take some better pics in the next couple days an get those posted.

Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Baal Predator update

Finally picked the brushes again an actually excited to be back at it. First up I've decided to finish my BP, here's what I've got so far! Going for a Death Company scheme.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Blood Angels Vs Space Wolves 1500pts.

So finally it came down to it, our 1st official game: 1500pts Blood Angels vs. Space Wolves.

Before we begin a few side notes:
1. Whit and I are both extremely new to the game and were almost 100% positive there were some major errors involved during our game. We have a lot of questions and plan on getting them clairified soon.

2. Please excuse the game board, its my mother in laws dining room table, no where big enough but it's the best we got.

3. Excuse the terrain, plan on making some and buying some in the near future.

Ok so first up My Angels:
- Dante
-10 man Tac w/ Flamer/RL, Sgt. with powerfist and plasma pistol. w/ Rhino
-10 man Assault Squad with Jump packs. Sgt. with power weapon and shiled. (5 of them are Vanguard vets proxy to be reg. assault. realized this was a mistake later and should have left them as vanguard and changed my list some.)- 5 Death Company with Thunderhammer and Powerfist
- Lemartes
- Death Company Dreadnought with Blood Talons
-Brother Corbulo
Fast Attack:
- Baal Pred w/ Flamestorm Cannon
- Stormraven Gunship with TL Melta, TL Hurricane Bolters, Assault Cannons, Extra Armor 
Heavy Support
- Dreadnought with Power fist and TL Melta

Whits Space Wolves

- Logan
 - Rune Priest
 - Assault Terminators x 5 w/ Thunder Hammers 1 w/Lighting Claws
 - Assault Terminators x 5 w/ Thunder Hammers 1 w/ Lighting Claw
 - Assault Terminators x 5 w/ Thunder Hammers 1 w/ Lighting Claw
 - Grey Hunters x 10 w/ Melta and Power Weapon W/ Rhino
 - Grey Hunters x 10 w/ Melta and Power Weapon W/ Rhino
Fast Attack:

Heavy Support
 - Dreadnought w/ Storm bolters, Heavy Flamer, Missle Launchers
 - Predator  w/ TL Las cannon and Side Sponson Las Cannons.

Game was Capture and Control with deployment being Spearhead:

Deployment: Whit won  
I deployed my Tac squad and Corbulo in the Rhino  my DN to its right and my Assault squad to its left behind cover with my SR in support behind it carrying: DC/Lemartes and DC DN. Dante was left in reserve.

Whit deployed his Pred and two Rhinos carrying his two Grey hunters followed by two squads of Assault Terminators. He leaves Logan and his drop pod and one group of Termies in reserve.


-Prior to the turn I did scout my Baal ahead.

First turn saw my Rhino/DN/SR move up w/ A.Squad moving up and left behind cover.

Shooting phase saw a couple of pot shots at his Rhino with my DN Melta nothing there. My SR managed a pen hit with his melta but luck of the roll got him imobolized.  My A. Squad ran 2 inches more left.

No assault phase.


His Rhinos both took off right followed closely by ther Termie squads. His predator took left and sat infront of one objective. 

Shooting Phase saw his Pred miss my SR with his TL Las missing completely the first time and then failing to glance or pen on the second attempt.

BA Turn 2:  Dante Fails to come in off reserves.
Movement Phase I shoot my SR up the field and position it in front of his rhino and termies. I disembark DC. My A. Squad shoots left out of cover in preperation of shooting a Melta shot at his rhino. I also move my rhino up along with my DN forward, dropping the tac and Corbulo out to claim the objective.

SW TURN 2:  Logan enters with his A. squad termies behind my flank. His DN also comes in flanking his rhinos.
Movement sees Whit bring his 1st group of A. Termies down to the right side of his Rhino in preperation for a collision with DC. He leaves the 2nd group in the back to take a couple shots at my AS. Managing to kill one. His Pred also hits it mark sending my SR crashing to the ground Wrecked. 

Assault Phase:
Logan and his Termies disembark from their drop pod and eye my Tac squad. DC also becomes entagled with the first group of Termies.

We both lose one a piece during the melee. On the other side Logan and his termies begin to cut through my Tac squad.

BA TURN 3:  Dante Arrives precision striking right behind the 2nd group of termies.

With my SR down and two of my units locked in combat I decide to bring up my AS flanking them left in preperation to take shots at his supporting termies. I also disembark my DC Dreadnought from my SR wreckage and set its sights on his Rhino. I turn my other DN around and prepare a melta shot at his Drop pod which took a couple missle shots at me last turn.

(Missed a few pictures during this time while sorting out a few game rules/details)

My shooting phase does little and I then move onto Assault.  I have better luck there with my DC DN trashing his rhino and blowing it up. DC continues to cut through his termies with my Assault squad locked in combat with his Grey Hunters. (he disembarked them at some point and I missed it during pictures.) Dante also enters into combat with his 2nd group of Assault Termies managing to drop 1 during the intial attack.  I also make a huge mistake of assaulting the Drop Pod with my Dreadnought. Why? I don't know but it cost me and took him out of the game for the remaining turns.

SW Turn 3:

Whit decideds to move his second group of GH infront of my Baal in an attempt to hit it with a Melta shot. His Dreadnought also moves into position in preperation for a Krak Missle as well. He also brings his Pred around in an attempt to hit my side armor with a Las shot.

His shooting phase actually goes better for me then him as both his Krak, Las and Melta shot all missed there marks. His assault phase sees Dante drop one more Termie along with DC namely Lemartes finishing off his 1st Termie squad. His Grey Hunters and my Assault Squad continue to diminish  eachothers ranks. Logan and his termies manage a few more kills against Brother Corbulo and his Tac unit.


With DC now free I take the advantage and rush them towards his 2nd grop of GH, (Here my our lack of 40k knowledge came into effect. Rage rule says closest opposing unit. What happens if closest opposing unit is locked in assault with another unit? Do you go to next closest?) 

Shooting phase sees little damage from DC as I believe they killed 1 GH. My Flamestorm cannon had 5 under its template but only managed to kill 1, was disappointed with that! DC then assaults!

Assault phase sees Dante kill another termie and then passes his test to perform a Hit and Run. I then move him to a secure positing next to an objective were he is certain to contest it.  DC enters melee with the GH and kills a couple more. Corbulo and his crew manage a wound on Logan.  While my AS and his GH continue to exchange attacks, and bodies.


Movement see him move his Pred right behind my Baal and with its rear armor exposed  a definite kill shot with his Las is certain.

Baal predator gone he moves into Assault phase. Logan continues to pound Corbulo and company, while DC continues to make short work of his GH. While his run priest starts to take chunks out of my AS who drop two more of his units.


DC continues to mop up his GH with their sights set on his DN, Dante take a shot with his infernus at the Pred but manages to miss. Corbulo and Company hold strong managing another wound on Logan. My AS and his GH continue to fight with no clear winner.


Much of the same continues, no real dominance of the board, only a few more drop off from the GH/AS melee. DC kills one more GH and Logan drops the Tac Flag Berer.

We roll to see if the game continues and it doesn't. The match ends in a draw, with two points in contention and the other wide open. For our first game it was a blast. I look forward to playing again and will definitely approach it in a much different way next time.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

First official game tomorrow!

So tomorrow my buddy Gary will be over to play our first game in months. While we haven't decided on point size I will be fielding my Blood Angels an he his Space Wolves. I will be posting our list an the battle report soon after.
When I was first introducted to Warhammer 40k almost 20 years ago, I bought a set of Space Marines through some blue on them and that was pretty much it.....20 years later I'm back and have found a completely new interest and love for the hobby.

With my Blood Angels growing and my painting improving, the one thing that I found lacking was my understanding of the game itself, and with only a handful of actual games under my belt and with 6th edition now out I felt it was finally time that my friend and I get a grip on this game and learn to play. I hope you enjoy my posts and updates as we continue our progress into 40k.
